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focus on the whole student
Hampshire Country School seeks to provide an educational experience that is centered on the whole student, including their wellness. We believe in and practice healthful attention to the nutritional, sleep, physical, emotional, and social aspects of each one of our students.
We discourage habits that interfere with these aspects of health and strive to stay current on research-based recommendations for wellness.
We are committed to educating our faculty, staff, students, and families about these recommendations.
Our school nurse is available to students before and during breakfast on her morning visits. She also checks in with faculty, monitors ongoing medical issues, keeps track of student weights, organizes and dispenses medicines, takes care of medical paperwork, and so forth.
When it is necessary for students to see a doctor, we take them to one of the pediatricians in our local community. The hospital and emergency room are also available to us if required. State regulations are very insistent that we have on file each student’s immunization record, report of annual physical and dental exams, medical insurance form, authorization to administer prescription medication, and release for medical treatment. These medical forms and authorizations must be on file before the start of school each September.
Most illnesses occurring at school are minor and can be solved by a student lying down in the school nurse’s office, on one of the comfortable sofas in the Main House, or in his own bed.